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Sunday, November 30, 2003
Yay, people are finally getting back. Last night was a little lonely. Just me and TJ (guy next door to me). And I went to sleep early. 9:30. But hey, I'd been awake since 3:50 AM.

Let me know who will be in town January 4th to the 11th. Put it in the comments section. Let you know why later. :)

It's raining here. Did I mention that I love the rain and I love sleeping while it's raining? I woke up at 7:00 this morning to a downpour (course my windows are wide open, like always). So I just laid there listening to the rain. I guess I fell asleep. For three more hours. Oops. Oh well.

Crap. Class starts tomorrow. We're on the semester system, so it's just the same classes as before break. But damn, I liked all the time off. Damnit. Class. Ugh.

Anyways, I bought South Park movie. Never seen it, but I love the show. Probably watch it later.

I added four pictures. All of the party the other night. Self-explanatory. Cept Brad's. Man, you look stoned. I know you're not (I don't think so anyways!), but damn, you look stoned. LOL.

On my last day in California, my mommy found a Super Nintendo plus two games in my garage. Where the hell has that thing been hiding for five years? My cousins gave that to me five years ago, but no, Rico wasn't allowed to have it or something to that extent. Oh well, spent a little while the other day playing some old, old Mario game. Haha. Blocky, bad graphics. Oh well, beats the hell out of nothing.

Saturday, November 29, 2003
First post from back in Pocatello.

Last few days were pretty awesome. Friday night was pretty kickass. I enjoyed seeing everyone. It was just like old times. I'm glad most people could make it out to Alex's house (and by the way, thanks go out to Alex for playing host).

Got up at 3:50 AM this morning. Oh God. It's not even light yet then. Not by a long ways. I flew out of Ontario on the plane next to some little kid that screamed the whole goddamn flight. Ugh. I don't like screaming little kids and I was right at ground zero for this. The flight from Mormonland (Salt Lake City) to Pocatello was fine.

Oh well, not much to talk about here. No one is here in my hall. I just cleaned my room, dusted, burned a few CD's, and added some decorations. Yay. Woo-hoo. Happenin' Saturday. Eh. I need the rest, I guess.

Friday, November 28, 2003
Thanksgiving was great. Oh man, I am still full. Jesus, I just inhaled plate after plate. Oh well, I could stand to gain a little weight. Got to see all my family too, so that was neat.

Alex and I had an eventful night on Wednesday. Scary, actually. But the deed was done. Hahaha. ;)

My mom is getting weird again. I guess it's because I leave tomorrow. I must have already had four arguments with her today, and I've only been awake for 4 hours and around her for 2.

Party is tonight at Alex's. I'm excited to see everyone. I guess I won't be seeing Greg this vacation, kind of sad, but there's always Christmas.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003
I went to the Los Angeles Kings hockey game last night. Watched them get their asses kicked. It was bad. 4-0. ouch. Oh well, they played the New Jersey Devils. Best team in hockey. And the Kings have 8 of their best players hurt. So yeah, they lost hard. And the great city of LA has sure taken a turn for the worst. Man, it is f*cked up. That was scary getting from the freeway to the Staples Center.

Ugh. I did homework for most of yesterday. And I'm still not done. Goddamnit.

Yay! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Mmmmm. Food. Food. Food. Pardon me for having a one-track mind. Haha.

Anyways, you may not hear from me for a couple days. You call me if you so desire.

Katie- I miss you! It was awesome to hear your voice the other day.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Screw homework. I'm taking a break from my psychology stuff. Ugh. I would't mind school and class if there was no homework or tests. Mainly just bio tests. I hate bio. I like chem tests. Haven't really studied for one yet and my worst score is 140/150. But yeah, I'm bored. I know I should be doing homework, but here I am, blogging instead. Oh well.

I spent most of the day yesterday with my uncle Kenny. Oh my, he's friggin' funny. Anyways, it was a good day. He went with me to pick out a bodyboard and some other crap. And I got to see his cat for the first time since August. Little Lincoln. Alex knows what cat I'm talking about. LOL. Stupidest, but funniest cat ever.

Sounds like Katie will probably be flying down for the last week of Christmas vacation. Yay! That should be awesome.

But now I need to get back to homework. Damnit.

Monday, November 24, 2003
I posted five pictures. The first new one is of the storm that I flew out of (below the clouds is Pocatello). The second one is of land below when we made a turn for some reason or another. And the thrd is of Salt Lake City and the surrounding mountains, taken from inside the plane. These first three pictures were all taken from inside the damn little turboprop, which is shown in the fourth picture. Not much to that damn plane. And the fifth and final new picture is of my secondary Christmas present. A brand spanking new BZ bodyboard. It's pretty sweet. I picked it out today and bought it with my parent's money. They're just going to slap a bow on it and stick it under the tree. Yay.
Now that board is my secondary present. The main present will if Katie flies down for the last week of our vacation. It's still a little bit on tentative side with my folks, but I think they'll be OK with it. Yay! That would be awesome.
Anyways, I gotta go.


PS- Katie- Forgot to say it on the phone- I love ya!
Saturday, November 22, 2003
Back in California. Trip home was OK. Snowed in Idaho. I'll have some pics up in a while. This comp and connection suck ass, so maybe not until I get back to Idaho and my DSL. Anyways, I got home around noon and had a family get together this evening. Now there's no one else in town and I'm bored as hell. Oh well. *Scratches ass. Looks around. Belches. Repeats.*

If you want to hang out, I'm up for it (cept maybe tomorrow and Thursday). Give me a call at (909) 800-4771.

Friday, November 21, 2003
I only had two classes today and was done by 11 AM. Sweet. Just been relaxing the rest of the day. Not to mention packing. Ugh. The only bad part about traveling. I hate packing.

Nobody is left here in the hall. Only about 6 of us total are still here. Katie 3 (the one that shaves my neck and plucks my unibrow), Big Chris, Kim (this is a guy), Charyl, Alex, and I had a tickle fight. Course Rico got captured in a room by two girls and had the crap tickled out of him while Kim and Big Chris did nothing. Oh well. Good times.

Katie left this morning for Boise. I didn't get to see her, just like I'd thought. Shucks. Would have liked to have seen her, but considering I didn't wake up until 8:30 AM, I didn't have a chance.

I get in tomorrow at 11:53 AM at Ontario Airport. I'll probably be home around 12. I have a family get together tomorrow and I'm playing golf on Sunday, but other than that, I should be free.

I'm taking my laptop on the plane. I guess I'll be doing homework during the flight. Ugh. I hate homework. Don't want to do it, but it was somewhat due earlier today. Oh well.

Today was a fun day. Short Bio lab, a nice nap, a decent lunch, a short chem lab, an OK dinner, a trip to the mall (and yes, Rico shopped: got Daddy a Christmas present), a movie, and a late night meal at Denny's. Today was the last day I'll see Katie for a week, because of the way our schedules are and the fact that she's going home in the morning. A tad sad.

Yay. Home on Saturday. It's supposed to snow on Saturday here. That's not a good thing. I hope the damn rubber-band-powered airplane can make it out of the snow to Salt Lake, where I get a normal plane.

It'll be nice to go back to California. Might make me miss Idaho though. Might see all the imperfections of Cali and the things I love about Idaho.

My truck seems to be running OK now. Yay. Too bad my wallet is empty. Damnit.

Anyways, bedtime for Rico. Too late now.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Rundown of the day of Katie's birth:

7:20 AM- get up, shave, etc.
7:30 AM- breakfast
8:00 AM- I have a plan of going to the gas station, the store, and the bank. The store for roses, the bank for money for dinner and such. Well, that got f*cked. I put the key in the ignition of my truck and the goddamn alarm went off. F*ck! So I try to pop the hood and disconnect the battery, but I can't. No tools. The tools I have are locked safely in the back of the truck, and by now the alarm has quit going off, so I don't want to open any doors to get the tools.
8:10 AM- I call AAA, they send out a tow truck.
8:40 AM- The tow truck can't see me and I have to run and flag him down. In the bitter cold. Damnit.
9:10 AM- The tow truck takes my truck and me to the Toyota dealer in town. They say that they will have to run a diagnostic and such.
9:40 AM- I get back to my dorm. Then I realize that I have no key to get in my room because I left it on the key chain that I gave to the Toyota dealership. Goddamnit!
9:50 AM- I check out another key and finally get into my room.
10:00 AM- A friend drives me to the store and I buy flowers. Yay.
10:00 AM thru 10:50 AM- I gave the finger to my chemistry class and decided not to go. Eh.
11:45 AM- lunch with Katie and other friends
1:00 PM- A friend with an absolute P.O.S. car drives me to the Toyota dealership. Oh god, his car broke down every traffic light. Stalled, died, etc.
2:00 PM- store again, bank, gas station.
3:00 PM- watched a little TV. relaxed for a minute
5:00 PM- got ready for dinner at a Mexican restaurant with Katie and about ten other friends.
6:00 PM- left for dinner, which was very good of the evening was great. I just thought I'd let you know of my $hitty morning. LOL. Oh yes, by the way, my truck repairs cost $286.34. Ouch. Dead battery. Alarm removal. New starter contacts.

Anyways, I had a blast at Katie's birthday party. I was wrapped up totally in wrapping paper, wearing nothing but my boxers. A bow was put where it counts. Oh god. And Katie had to unwrap me. I was sweating a ton when she unwrapped me.

Tired now.

And yes, I added some pictures. The first one is from a long time ago, when it was snowing. Once again, this is the construction yard. The second one is of me all wrapped up. Yay. The third one is of Katie and me at the restaurant. Blurry, I know.

Monday, November 17, 2003
1 day, 5 days. They're coming. Soon. Tomorrow, in fact, is one of them. Going out to dinner and such. Hope she has the best birthday possible.

Yay for Alex and his little shindig. Thanks for hosting it buddy. And organizing it. And thinking of it. Jesus, you did all the work. As the countdown nears an end, I keep getting more excited to see the Crew.

My condolences go out to Kansas City Chiefs fans. If you didn't know, they were undefeated going into yesterday, then they lost to the Bengals. Oh my. That's sad. Chris-Chris (one of my friends) is the biggest Chief's fan ever. He was greatly depressed. Everybodey was giving him crap for it too. Haha.

And oh yes, ISU won in football this weekend. Who did they play, you might ask? Cal Poly. SLO. Haha. Sorry Alex, but hey, I think it's a nice change to have a winning team (and damn REV is league champ this year, the sonuvabitches).

I think I shall get ready for class now.

Sunday, November 16, 2003
2 days. 6 days. Probably seems repetitive to keep listing the countdowns, but both are pretty damn important to me.

My dad wants to play golf at least twice when I'm home. God, he's nuts about it. And what's sad is that I haven't played golf in ages. I'll probably suck ass. Oh well. So probably two days are shot when I'm home. I'd love to hang out with the Crew again. Especially Greg, Alex, and Jackie. I miss all you guys.

I love Thanksgiving. Just food. No pretenses. No gifts that have to be exchanged. I hate it when you get someone a so-so gift, but they go way above and beyond and they get you something awesome. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. But that part always bugs me. But yeah, I like to eat.

Rained here again last night.

My forearms and shoulders are sooo sore from rock climbing. Ouch. It's a good sore though. I enjoy feeling the burn.

I have a Bio test next week. So I should go study for that. Hopefully I can do better than an 82.

And the weirdness for the day. Katie's b-day is 11-18-84. My license plate on my truck has the last five digits of 11884. Kind of scary. If it had another 1 in front, that would just be downright frightening. But hey, I think that's kind of cool.

Saturday, November 15, 2003
Wow, the last two days have been great. Last night, Alex, Katie, and I went to see "Elf." The funniest movie I have seen in a long time. Right up there with "Waterboy" and "Old School." Gotta love Will Ferrel. Or at least I do, and that's all that counts to me. Oh yeah, then we went to Denny's. Mmm mmm good. I love late-night Denny's runs.

My friend and I went rock climbing in the gym today. Whew. I'm beat now. My forearms are tight and I don't even have to flex them. I finally managed to do this one difficult climb that has a 90 degree overhang. Yay.

It rained here last night and this morning. I liked laying in bed, listening to it.

And yes, here are the lyrics of another song. This is just part of it because it does start to get a little repetitive.

"You don't know what you do to me. You changed around the scenery.
And now everything is new to me,
But it looks just right, yeah: it looks just right.
Whoa, it's strange but it's beautiful.
Yeah, and I know where I am.
Oh, I've never been here before.
I've never been loved like this.
Never been tumblin', stumblin' over the words that get tangled inside of me.
I've never been moved this way.
Nobody's ever made me say.
I'm ninety-nine point nine per cent sure I've never been here before.
I'm walkin' in a wonderland,
Gone ever since it all began.
And I don't even want to understand,
'Cause it feels that good, yeah: it feels that good.
It's a state that ain't on a map,
Yet I know where I'm at. "

Brian McComas. "99% Sure I've Never Been Here Before." More country for ya. Katie, obviously, this is for you. Except I'm 100% sure I've never been here before. I thank my lucky stars that we met. Sappy? Yes. But true? Yes.

Friday, November 14, 2003
Ah yes, today was great. Lava Hot Springs kicked ass. A bunch of people went and the air temp was fairly cold, so steam was coming off the water and the water was nice and toasty (the coolest pool was 104 degrees). It was awesome, especially since we went at night. Only thing that would have made it better would have been snow. It was raining lightly as we left, but snowfall would have been sweet.

Both of my labs today were cut short. They were supposed to be 3 hours long each, but I think I had a grand total of 90 minutes of lab time today. Between two labs. Haha. I like it, I love it, I want more labs like it.

8 days until I fly home. 4 days until Katie's b-day.

I know I haven't posted lyrics in a long time, but here we are. You probably will skip over it, but hey, that's your deal. I'm bored and I thought this song had a good application.

"I can't believe you're here with me
Inside this dream come true
I'm so far gone,
So far lost
In your arms,
In you
Here we are again
Between the darkness and the light
Hopin' that this moment could be
Frozen in time

I don't want this night to slip away
I just wanna lie in your embrace
And never see the sun come up
Stay lost in your love
I wanna feel you brush agaist my skin
I don't want this feeling to end
I wanna see the moon dance on your face
I could lie here forever
And never see the light of day

Dawn is closing in
Stars surrendering
And I'm still giving in to you
As the light arrives
Peeking through the blinds
All that's on my mind is you
And I'll have to start the day
Like all other days begin
Waiting on the moment when
I can say again

I don't want this night to slip away
I just wanna lie in your embrace
And never see the sun come up
Stay lost in your love
I wanna feel you brush agaist my skin
I don't want this feeling to end
I wanna see the moon dance on your face
I could lie here forever
And never see the light of day."

If you actually took the time to read this, I will tell you who sings it. Emerson Drive. Country group, good song. Good meaning. And yes, I mean that. I think that song hits home pretty well.


Thursday, November 13, 2003
I had the worst headache of my life last night. Not sure why. Probably from studying. Anyways, Tylenol+sleep worked well.

It's snowing lightly here right now, but it probably won't stick. Going to be interesting tonight when we go to Lava Hot Springs to sit in the hot water pools. Freeze my ass off when I get out. LOL. Oh well. I should still have fun and supposedly it's really neat to sit in the hot pools while it's snowing.

My schedule got shot to $hit. I have class on Tuesdays. Damnit. I now have English 102, Chemistry 112, Philosophy 101, Biology 206, and Math 275 (Calculus III). So much for an easy schedule. And oh yeah, I have a night lab for biology (7-10 PM). Oh well. No biggie.

Well, I need to study for a psychology test, so I need to end this blog for now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Well, I got to plan out my schedule for next semester today. Philosophy, English, Chemistry, Medical Terminology, and Cell Biology. Unfortunately, as I started registering online (which is cool for me, since I'm now a junior), I couldn't register for two classes. So that blows. But hey, if everything goes according to plan, my friend and I shouldn't have class on Tuesdays at all. I wanted Friday or Monday off, but it couldn't work out. Tuesdays are still good though.

I went to Wal-Mart tonight. First time I have been in a long time. Maybe a week. Only spent $30. Impressed myself.

Well, I shall find my pillow now. For some reason, I have been more tired than normal lately. Oh well. Just hope I'm not coming down with something, but I'm pretty sure I'm healthy (or as healthy as I can be).

Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Well, I think I am going to die from being tickled. Jesus. If you know you REALLY well, you'll know that I am super ticklish. Just about everywhere. My stomach especially. And my sides. Oh God. Anyways, a guy in my hall is over 6 feet tall and weighs a good deal more than little old me. He laid on top of me (kind of across me) and tickled the living crap out of me. This occurred 3 times tonight. Not to mention the little tickle fights Katie and I have. Oh my. They last for minutes on end. And she's pretty damn strong, so she tickles me until I can't breathe. I held out today for a while, keeping her hands off my sides. Unfortunately, she bit me. Hard. Oh well. Live and learn. I guess I'll just let her tickle me instead. I don't mind it; it's pretty fun to see how long I can last before I crack.

I went to the ISU basketball game tonight. Blowout. 122-98, ISU won. Our football team lost by 15 this weekend. Sadness. Oh well, can't win 'em all. Still nice to have a winning record.

Since it's 12:00 AM here, I have only 11 days until I come home. And only 7 days until Katie's birthday.

Anyhow, I'm done blithering on about nothing. So I'll stop now. Period. End of blog. End. Period. There it is. Period.


Monday, November 10, 2003
8 days, 12 days. B-day, home.

Sunday, November 09, 2003
It rained a little here today. As you already know, I love the rain. So today was cool for me. I should have done homework, but I didn't. Oh well. Always another day.

I admit it. I'm an addict. To A1 steak sauce, that is. I put it on all meat served here. The cafeteria meat sucks (usually), so the A1 helps it slither on down. I'm sure it's unhealthy to eat as much of it as I do, but oh well. I'm addicted to Tabasco too, but I was already addicted to that before I came here.

I watched the Simpsons tonight. Ah. *Kisses fingers.* I love the Simpsons. I can't believe I've gone so long without watching that show. I was going through withdrawals. My craving has been fulfilled. Ah yes.

Well, I'm going to bed pretty early tonight to catch up for the last few days.

I went rock climbing today. Er.....wait.....yesterday, since it is now 4:45 AM. Anyways, I almost was able to do a difficult climb, but then I woke up. I just can't pull my body up over this right angle thing. Katie and Alex went for the first time. They did pretty well, I was impressed.

My friend and I were concerned about the welfare of the public, so we painted a crosswalk. If you want to hear the details, you'll have to IM or call me. I am too tired to finish it here.

I may have to room with someone at semester. Unfortunately. I hope not. I mean, I wouldn't mind doing so, but I love my single room. It's great. Tranquility when you want it, friends when you want them, homework when you want to do homework, and I can sleep better than I do when I listen to someone else snore all night long.

Allergies are acting up again. *Sniffle, sniffle, cough.* Darn.

Anywho, I think I shall head off to dreamland.

Saturday, November 08, 2003
Hey, look it's 3:30 AM and I'm awake. What is wrong with this picture?

Thanks go out to Felix again. This time he burned Equilibrium for me. In case you haven't heard of it, I recommend it. Good movie. Violent, but good.

10 days until Katie's birthday and 14 until I fly home. I look forward to seeing the Crew again. I know I keep saying this, but it's true. Not like I don't mean it.

I don't know why, but I'm in a really good mood right now. Maybe because I'm delirious from lack of sleep or maybe because I....I don't know why else I would be so happy. Good friends up here......maybe.....Katie.....maybe.....weekend.....maybe.....listening to Fleetwood Mac.....maybe. Not sure why really. Just really happy.

Well, I'm going to bed now.

Thursday, November 06, 2003
Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I'm sure all you out there missed me. Yeah right.

My hair is growing out. About one inch long right now. Pretty long for me.

Now it's time to let off a little steam. I was seriously pissed off last night and still a little cranky today. I love how group projects always turn into one person projets. We had this lab to do and I wrote it up the first time for the rough Rough Draft. It was 14 pages. 14 pages. Jesus. And then the teacher marked it up with corrections to be made and such. So I think that maybe my group members will pitch in and do a little of the work. Oh no. No no. Rico ended up doing basically the whole thing again while his group members went to see the new Matrix. I wish I could have gone to see it. I wish I could have had someone to do my work for me. I mean, I like my group members. They're a few of my better friends. But damn, they should make at least an attempt to do some work. Sorry this sounds like I'm pleading for sympathy or whatnot, because I'm not trying to get sympathy or whatever you're offering. I'm just ranting and letting off a little steam.

Anyways, I was up until 3 AM doing the bio lab stuff, so now I am exhausted. I had Biology Lab at 8 this morning, so I got about 3 and a half hours of sleep. I'm not functioning too well right now.

Update on the bitchy Katie. She's still very bitchy. Only talks to me when she wants help with homework. I am so glad I met Katie Leoni and I didn't end up with the bitchy Katie. So, Katie Leoni, when you read this, just know that I'm glad that I met you and that we're together and I wouldn't want anything but to be with you. So yeah, there's my sappy paragraph.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Yay! Today is my easy day in the way of class. Chem (which I sleep through) and First Year Seminar (a joke of a class and which may be ending soon).

My mommy sent me a new CD. Yay. Simon and Garfunkel. I love them. All the songs sound the same after a while, but oh well. I like them. So that made my day.

My hair is fairly long now. For me, it's long, that is. I guess we'll see how it looks in another couple weeks. Probably be a 'fro. Oh well.

I think the lady that serves teh cafeteria food here hates me. The three main things to eat today were potatoes (surprise, surprise), BBQ ham sandwich, and spaghetti and meatballs. Well, the lady asked what I wanted. I told her that I wanted potatoes, BBQ ham sandwich, and spaghetti and meatballs. She makes the sandwich and puts it on the plate and proceeds to ask me what else I want. I say potatoes and spaghetti and meatballs. She puts the potatoes on my plate, then asks if I want anything else. I tell her that I want spaghetti and meatballs, but no, she just hands me my plate. Damnit. So I just walked away, saddened. You know, wops need their wop food. Damnit. I had to fill up on salad and brownies. Yummy.

Enough bitching.

Monday, November 03, 2003
Damn, I have a headache. Therefore, this post will be short.

I got an A on my last speech. No surprise, considering my speech teacher is gay and he likes me. He hates all the girls in class (a girl missed a point on the midterm, but got the bonus right and only got an A-, even though that is 100%). He gives C's and D's to my friends. And no, I don't suck up. I guess I just look so sweet and charming that he gives me an A. And don't even suggest that I do "favors" for him. You sickos.

Well, like I said, this one is short. That's all I got right now.

Sunday, November 02, 2003
Just sitting here looking out at the snow on the grass next to my dorm (supposed to be doing homework, but we all know that homework sucks).

Yay! ISU won last night. 30-20. It's so nice to have a winning team. I stayed for three quarters, but was getting hungry near the end. Five of us went and ate at a really excellent Chinese restaurant. I still miss Panda Bowl though, not just for the price, but the food was good too. In fact, I miss all the Chinese dumps in the Inland Empire. I guess I'll probably be hitting all those slopbuckets in a few weeks.

Well, Katie's birthday is coming up. And no, I will not say what I got her (or am going to get her) because she reads this and that would ruin any surprise. And we can't do that, now can we? Haha. Anyways, I think it (they?) is (are?) a (some) good present(s?). Haha. I try to confuse. If you remember Edward (Ding-Dong) and his fascination with Kerpal, you'll get that one (no, no- you try to confuse!!!). Ah yes, this sounds like the ramblings of a madman.

I haven't heard as much about the fires lately. So maybe they're a little more under control. I hope they are. Somebody must have been watching over Felix's house (most likely the firefighters). I'm glad it's OK. I mentioned that a family friend lost their house. I guess they lost everything. Everything. Imagine that, everything you ever had in your entire life: gone. I think I'd break down. Anyways, another family friend was forced to evacuate from Oak Hill. I think they'll be OK though, the fire isn't really going in that direction. I hope that asshole arsonist that started them gets what's coming to him: a long fall stopped by a short rope.

I don't have anything more to blog about.

Saturday, November 01, 2003
Hope everyone had a good Halloween. Sounds like a lot of you guys had fun with the alkyhol. I went to a friend's house with Alex, Katie, and a couple other guys. Good times. Tired now though. I got absolutely no sleep. Before my little nap this afternoon, I had been up for about 30 hours. That's quite a while for me.

There's still snow on the ground in the shade. It's still cold, but I'm not complaining. I love the cold. It's great. I hate pit stains and snow seems to limit them, so that's good.

I talked to Jackie on the phone the other night for about an hour. Sounds like she's having a fun time at USC, but she sounded a little down. Apparently all the guys there are alcoholics or weirdos. So yeah, she's not having any luck on the dating scene. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys at Thanksgiving. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd made some of the best friends of my life here. But it will be great to get back together with The Crew again.

I hate doing laundry. I know Felix posted about this, but damn, I hate having to pay to do it. I hate not having Mommy here to do it for me. I hate the fact that I actually have to keep track of my detergent and pay for more when it gets low. I guess I'm just lazy. Eh. Oh well.

The football game starts in a few hours. I hope we win. You know, it's nice having a winning team. Compared to REV when we were there, I mean, this is freaking awesome. But I guess REV is tearing it up this year. Mommy sent me an article about REV beating RHS. Yay. I'm happy for them (I think). Oh well, not such a fan of high school anyways now, since college kicks ass.

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