This is an apt description of what I feel towards the news right now. From the moment I turn on the television, I am now bombarded with atrocities throughout the world. The tsunamis are a favorite of the news networks right now. I swear to God, all those news reporters and people running all the news shows must pray for disasters. They must pray for suffering, disasters, fires, war, and scandal so that they will have something to report that will outdo the previous day's atrocities. They probably shat their pants when they realized what a goldmine the tsunamis were, especially when they found out that many Americans were vacationing there. That always draws a lot of media coverage.
Well, I for one am fed up. I refuse to watch any television that is going to show me murders, fires, deaths, etc. and expect me to enjoy my dinner while viewing. I seriously cannot stomach to hear anymore about the rising death toll in the East. I feel really bad for all those people and their families and I wish it hadn't happened, but I really don't need to hear about it in every gruesome detail while I choke down a chicken/guacamole taco. Please.
And during the last presidential campaign, the media was literally flooded with partisan and non-partisan voting campaigns. Whether they wanted you to vote for Bush or Kerry or just vote, we were told what to think and what to do for about two months straight. Gah. America can think for itself (sometimes).
Current music: Montgomery Gentry and the AIM chirping noises
Current mood: good (what is up with the spacing here?)
Created by beindthecurtain and taken 4451 times on bzoink! | |
Pet a snake | Never would. |
Spend a week in an empty room | Maybe. |
Ride in a hot-air balloon | Yeah, sounds fun to me. |
Sky dive | See above. |
Sing in front of a huge audience | HAHAHA....yeah right, me sing. |
scuba dive | I have and it's fun. |
Sit in the front seat of a roller coaster | Usually try to. |
Deliver a baby | My cousin has to....he's an OB/GYN. Poor guy. |
Swim across the Amazon River | Not if one of those parasites was going to crawl up my urethra. |
Change careers | Maybe. |
Disappear for a long period of time | Why would I have to? |
Walk through the forest alone at night | I would rather walk with someone I know well, but I guess I would do that. |
Join a space mission | Sure, sounds like a blast (haha- get it? blast....blast-off....bah, never mind). |
Tell everyone what you honestly think of them | I usually do that anyway. |
Call off your wedding | I have a wedding?!?! Well being hypothetical, I would not do that. |
Walk naked through New York City for 10 minutes during rush hour | HAHAHA....that's funny. And the answer is no, since I'd have all the girls around me and put all the guys to shame. |
Walk up to Mike Tyson and call him a girl | If he was behind bars (like usual), then yes I would do that. |
Disarm a bomb | Maybe, I hope I don't end up in that career though. |
CLean the outside windows of a skyscraper | Nope. That's the work of day laborers and I don't do that stuff. |
Draw a mustache on the Mona Lisa with a permanent marker | And be thank you. |
Go on tour with Elvis | Elvis is dead, so I don't think I would. |
Go swimming during a thunder storm | Hahaha, well I already have....and I have my troubles with lightning too. |
Preform surgury on your best friend | Haha....Alex Smith and Katie- watch out! |
Your Dominant Intelligence is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence |
You are great at finding patterns and relationships between things. Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments. You need for the world to make sense - and are good at making sense of it. You have a head for numbers and math ... and you can solve almost any logic puzzle. You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician. |