Created by procrastinata and taken 3849 times on bzoink! | |
Song that makes you happy | Sugarcult "Hate Every Beautiful Day" |
Song that makes you want to cry | Diamond Rio "She's Gone" and "Taps" |
Song that makes you feel dreamy | Greenday "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" |
Song that makes you sleepy | Anything by Deathcab for Cutie |
Song that makes you want to dance | Lit "My Own Worst Enemy" |
Song that makes you want to close your ears | Snoop Dogg and Pharrell "Drop It Like It's Hot" |
Song that makes you think of that special someone | Diamond Rio "That's How Your Love Makes Me Feel" |
Song that makes you feel relaxed | Anything classical really |
Song that makes you feel inspired | Yellowcard "Believe" |
Song that makes you want to sing along: | Busted "What I Go To School For" |
Created by thetoasternetwork and taken 9577 times on bzoink! | |
Act your age | Blink 182 |
Born on what day of the week | Now how the hell would I know? |
Chore you hate | Any form of cleaning. I hate it and it's woman's work. |
Dad's name | Ricci |
Essentail make-up item | What the hell? They spelled essential wrong and I don't wear make-up. |
Favorite actors/actresses | Adam Sandler. No female favorite. |
Gold or sliver | Silver, not sliver. Those are quite different things. |
Hometown | Redlands, CA |
Instruments you play | My CD player |
Job title | Student |
Kids | None |
Living arrangements | Dorm for the second year. |
Mom's name | Carol |
Number of socks you own | Holy you actually expect me to count or just estimate? Estimating 30. |
Overnight hospital stays | Quite a few when I was only a few weeks old and had a double hernia operation. |
Phobia | Being hit on by a gay guy. |
Quote you like | " We are nothing but echoes. We have no thoughts of or own, no opinions of our own, we are but a compost heap made up of the decayed heredities, moral and physical." Twain |
Religious affiliation | Oh yeah right! |
Siblings | None |
Time you woke up today | 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM, thank you very much, you GODDAMN construction workers |
Unusual habits | I like to sleep in a very cold room, with all the blankets heaped up on me and me all snuggled up like a 5 year old. |
Vicious thing you've done | A lot of TP-ing and egging. Oh yes. But those were good times too.... |
Worst habit | Picking at pimples and ingrown hairs and such. Katie has to watch me constantly or else my hands instantly go to my face. |
X-rays you've had | CAT scan, chest X-rays up the wazoo, arm, coccyx, hand, ankle, knee, back, just about everything really. |
Your favorite season | Summer- for the beach and the babes ;) |
Zodiac sign | Virgo |