Did That Pass Your Little Mind's Cross-Check?
When I was home, I went to Mervyns to buy some nicer dress clothes. I went to one Mervyns (in Redlands) and all I could find there was a package of black socks that totaled a grand whopping $6. The cashier asked the question: "Would you like to save 10% by applying for th Mervyn's credit card? it only takes about 10 minutes."
OK....first of all, did you think about that before you said it? Let's calculate that out. 10% of $6 is 60 cents. 60 goddamn measly cents. And 10 minutes of my time is worth more than 60 cents. I know the worker was supposed to ask that, but seriously, in my case, he probably could have skipped that. I mean, if I had said yes, he probably would have realized what a stupid choice that was and how much more work it meant for him.
But what the kicker is that when I went to the Mervyn's in Highland to find more dress stuff (like a shirt, tie, and pants), I bought about $85 worth of merchandise. Now, that would have been a savings of $8.50 if I filled out the application for the credit card there, but the cashier there failed to ask me if I wanted to fill it out. So the time when I could have used it more, they didn't even bother to ask.
You Fuckin' Leprechaun
The way my classes work, we have teachers kind of rotate in and teach their subject then rotate out. We have this new guy teaching us now and he is covering math and pharmacy math. Anyhow, when he came in for the first day, he called roll. That is the first time I have been in a class where the teacher called roll since.....well....since high school.
The teacher's voice sounds like a damn leprechaun. And he can't pronounce 'r's, 'v's, and 'w's. At all. He has absolutely no clue on how to say them. And when he called roll, he had the gall to pick on people for their names.
"Gibbons, Peter" (say it in a leprechaun voice). The kid said "here" and the teacher muttered "primate" (referring to the gibbons monkey). That was just one example.
The teacher had a great line today. He was having trouble with a cough and had to keep taking drinks from a soda. At one point, he said "I have to take another drink before I go on here." (remember the semi-creepy leprechaun voice). "That's what I tell my girlfriend anyways."
I thought I was going to shit a brick when he said that in class. Good Lord. That came out of right field.
But one thing about this little green man pissed me off. On Wednesday, he was passing out papers to the class and he passed my desk. He tossed them directly at my Capri Sun (open) and nailed it, knocking it directly to the floor and spilling some of the contents on my backpack. And all this was to my classmate's enjoyment. Not mine. Bastard.
If it had spilled on my computer, I swear I would snapped. Seriously. I would have placed my foot up that leprechaun's ass so far that he would never have found another pot of gold again and would have been slurping his Lucky Charms through a straw. He had to have seen my Capri Sun there and he had to know that throwing a stack of papers at it would knock it over.
It's About Damn Time
I have been submitting pictures to Collegehumor.com for a long time and I finally got one on there. Finally. Those sonsabitches. Anyhow, here is a picture of my uncle's cat Ziggy. He's not the prettiest kitty and he had a fat lip at the time. Now, CollegeHumor.com came up with a ghey caption for my picture. Follow this link http://www.collegehumor.com/pictures/1672838/ and see their stupid caption. Mine was "Do you mind asshole? I'd like to lick my nuts in peace."
Katie, Chris, and I tried to go play pool today at our SUB, which is part of a state school. Therefore it is part of the state and the state government. And today, the LDS church overran the SUB game area. In fact, they reserved it. That's pure fucking, grade A, 100% bullshit. I don't see how a religion can reserve a state facility. The workers there asked if we were part of the LDSSA (student union for the crazy Mormons) and we said no. So they told us we couldn't play pool or anything. OK. Sweet. Way to discriminate. I thought religious people were supposed to be all open-minded, all-caring, considerate, welcoming, accepting, and such. But you know what? The more hardcore a person in is religion, the more close-minded they become. They become less accepting, less caring, and yet they think they are getting closer to God. They think their way is the only right way and refuse to listen to anyone else. Mormons even try to push their beliefs on everyone else, whether they want to hear it or not. What a dichotomy.
Funny Search
Search for "what not to wear" on Google's image search and make sure the safe search is not on. I would definitely say that first picture is something women shouldn't wear.....at least on a day-to-day basis.
Current noise: "What Not To Underwear"