Indata Valid
Sunday, August 13th
My dad and my uncle left Rialto in the Maxima at 4:00 AM northbound to Pocatello. They wanted to stop in Vegas to gamble and eat breakfast. My mom and I followed at 6:15 AM in my truck, but we had to drop the orange one off at my aunt’s for babysitting during our vacation.

And my kitty is not a social cat…with other kitties. She loves people to death and hates other cats with a burning passion. When she spots another feline in the backyard, she immediately starts hissing and spitting at it. Her tail looks like a Louisville slugger and the fur on her spine stands up on end. She’ll even charge the intruding cat.
Well, my aunt has 10 cats. Charlene does not have a fun time there, but she doesn’t really have any other choice. We don’t want to place her in a kennel (she would hate it and we don’t want to put her back in a kennel, where we rescued her from). Also, she needs the company of people or else she gets pissed off (and destructive). That’s why we can’t just have a neighbor feed her a couple times a day. So anyways, my aunt just puts Charlene in a room by herself and keeps her in there. My aunt and uncle visit her throughout the day and it makes her happy. But enough about the furry one…
The trip was pretty uneventful, except for the short rainstorm we had in Salt Lake City. Here’s the rainbow at the end of it.

We got into Pocatello after 13.5 hours of driving. I got the pleasure of sharing a motel room at the Econolodge with Kenny, who snores and farts in his sleep. I could even hear the snoring the through the earplugs I had in. Let’s just say that the earplugs didn’t do shit for the sulfury farts he was unleashing…unconsciously.

Monday, August 14th
My parents, uncle, and I slept in a little to recover from the previous day’s journey. After pillaging the continental breakfast room in the ever-classy Econolodge (don’t knock it- we’re gold-card members), my dad, uncle and I went to play golf at the only private course in Pocatello (Juniper Hills). I played OK that day. We got to experience rain, sunshine, lightning, wind, and thunder all in about 20 minutes. The course was pretty nice and here are some pictures from it.
We got to the range and Kenny saw this sign, so he wanted to just sit in the cart while my dad and I hit. He said he didn’t have a club that could do that.

My pops found the sand on the very first hole- a good start.

Some random neat looking flower I saw during the “course” of the day. Pun intended.

Kenny blasted one and now he’s posing.

This was the only guy smiling all day.

Like I said, we had some wild weather that day.

And just like Shandin Hills, there are train tracks directly next to the course.

Kenny finally made a short putt and gave it a Tiger-esque fist pump.

I thought it was an amusing sign and an extremely still lake.

I think these berries are cool in sepia.

It was raining pretty hard at this point in the round.

Tuesday, August 15th
Instead of golfing on this day, we went to Yellowstone National Park. They charge an arm and a leg for entrance, so after the day was over we sold our receipt for entrance (since it’s good for a week).
Anyhow, here’s a quick picture summary of that day. We were there pretty much all day.
Yellowstone files
Kenny was tired of not driving, so we gave him a steering wheel cover and let him “drive.”

This is an elk in Yellowstone River.

Guess it did narrow…too bad someone was illiterate.

Some random creek in Yellowstone National Park.

The “swimming area” in the park, even though the water is damn cold.

My dad hates heights, but I got him to stand up there for this picture.

A section of the forest where the fires ate up the trees a few years back.

Kenny had some Taco Bell that lit up his digestive tract. Seriously.

Another picture of a big ole elk.

A bunch of hot springs/ geysers on the way to Old Faithful.

The ground is colored everywhere due to the minerals coming out of the geysers.

A bubbling “paint pot” near Old Faithful.

This was the sign warning you to stay away from the opening of the geysers. I just thought the kid on the drawing looked retarded.

Close-up on the colored ground.

More cool colors.

Yellowstone is infested with the bark beetle too, just like the San Bernardino forest.

Old Faithful right before the eruption.

This is a geyser called Beehive. It erupts once a day and we were lucky enough to see it.

This is the hallowed Old Faithful erupting. I was kind of disappointed in this one. You hear about this geyser as being the granddaddy of all geysers, yet that Beehive one is clearly better (in my pictures and opinion). It erupted higher and longer, spewing out more water. Supposedly, this was a small eruption for Old Faithful. I hope so, or else people are easily wowed by a little water shooting up and/or they have been lying their asses off.

I bet if you go in this hot spring, you will lose weight….like hunks of flesh.

I thought the water here looked really neat- super clear and a neat sky blue.

A view across hot pools and Yellowstone Lake.

It started hailing right after this picture.

The view of a huge waterfall (in the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone) from Artist’s Point. This was pretty breathtaking.

A random book in a random gift shop in Yellowstone.

Kenny still had an upset tummy from Taco Bell, so he got a rather large ice cream cone.

Another view of the burnt-down forest. It’s kind of sad to see, but as you can see in the next picture, it is starting to grow back. There must be 67782648762145786285638 million little pine trees. It just looks like a green carpet out there.

A bison was inches from our car when we passed him.

The sunset on the way home from Yellowstone.

Wednesday, August 16th
I got up early and got ready to move my stuff into my apartment. I had told my building manager that I wanted to move in at 7:30 AM that morning (when it was nice and cool) so that I could go play golf in the afternoon.
I got to my apartment at 7:29 AM and waited until 7:45 AM. My dad and I unloaded the truck by my door, waiting until the Housing Office opened so that I could have them call the building manager douchebag sleepyhead.
At 8:00, I went into the Housing Office and got them to call Caleb Sleepyhead. He finally dragged himself to my apartment at about 8:20 AM. Jesus Christ, what incompetence. And what’s funny is that he did the same thing to me last May when I was trying to check out (and I had food poisoning the night before).
Anyhow, I made a trip to the storage unit and got all my shit out of the there. Along with the assistance of my folks and Kenny, I got all my stuff moved into the apartment by 10:00 AM. However, my stuff being moved into the apartment does not mean it was all put away. That took about another 8 hours in the next couple days.
Here’s the final results of my bedroom.

My dad, uncle, and I played golf in the afternoon at Highland Golf Course. I was playing well all day until I went 8 over on a stretch of 3 holes on the back nine, including an OB on a par 3 and on the following par 4. Needless to say, I was not happy after that stretch of shit.
Also, we played with a Mormon that was trying to hook me up with a Mormon friend. He kept asking if I was single, how long I had been dating, that I would be married in Utah by now, that he had some friends my age. Sweet….no thanks….I like having my Sundays open and my mind closed about Mormonism.
Here are some pictures from that day.
I caught my dad and uncle at the same position.

This is my dad right at impact.

We caught up to some slow mother-bleepers and this is Pops and Unky Kenny waiting.

Thursday, August 17th
I played golf in the morning with my dad and Kenny (surprise, surprise). We played Riverside Golf Course. I had another mediocre day on the course.
I think this was on a par 3 on the front nine.

I hid under here in my senior year of high school when I toured the campus and Pocatello when there was a lightning storm going on. My dad intelligently hid under a tree.

Friday, August 18th
My parents and Kenny left at 4:00 AM and they got home at 5:00 PM. They picked up the kitty and I guess she was pretty glad to see them.

Katie got in the afternoon and we unpacked her crap in the afternoon.
Saturday, August 20th thru Thursday, August 31th
We had a BBQ on the Sunday before school started. There was some good food and fun. Well, it was fun until I got hurt. There was an ice chest full of water balloons and we started the battle of the balloons. Katie ended up with one and me with none. She chucked it and I ran backwards and to the side. Unfortunately, there was a concrete planter holding a tree in my way. I was instantly on the ground with a tree jabbing me in the back. My back was on fire from the concrete (felt like severe rug burn and the tree poked me hard). I had a few other scrapes and scratches on my arms and legs from the concrete, but here are a couple pictures of the worst.

My back looks nearly normal now though.
Class started up again. *Sigh* I really am not looking forward to this year. We have a class called Pharmacotherapy. Well, it’s really a “module” where we have teachers rotate in and out. We’ll have about 20 different teachers this year. They come in, teach their area of expertise and write a few test questions.
We have more hours of class this year, but I think it seems better than last year in that respect. Why? I no longer have any 8:00 AM classes. WOOOOOHOOOOO! I cannot even convey how much better I feel during the day in class, how much more awake I am, how much better and more complete my notes are, and how much better I retain the information. I don’t even necessarily need coffee in the mornings either. That was pretty much the norm last year.
This Weekend
I'm going camping near Arnold the Governator's house in Idaho this weekend. Maybe I'll get some pictures from that trip and post them.
Current music: The Sleeping: "Questions and Answers"Current mood: ready for the weekendDon't Hold Back"Are you nervous? Spending your days away in space, thicker than air, than air.We've been waiting, we've been waiting, we've been craving away. We need this.I'll hold out just as long as you.(Tonight is the night we examine ourselves. This is sick.)"