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OCTOBER BLOGComicsCheck out for more. I encourage you to click on each one and read it. Pretty good shit. 

What The Holy Flurking Schnit…
Lately, I've been having some weird things happen as far as reading goes. I'm not hallucinating or seeing things (no LSD or LDS), just problems in misreading. I will catch a sign out of the corner of my eye and see "Check Into Crap." Now, of course, the sign doesn't really say that. Instead of that, it says "Check Into Cash." Or I will see "Garage Shit" in place of "Garage Sale" or "Incest?" instead of "Injured?". Another good one is "Porn Presses Here Now." Now I know it says "Prom Dresses Here Now," but whatever.
I'm not really sure why I am reading stuff wrong. It never happens if it's in the center of my vision, but it's been happening pretty frequently if it's in the periphery of my vision. I don't know how to stop it from happening. I would really love it to stop happening, but until then I can guess I get to enjoy the weird things I read and the double takes I make to make sure that the signs don't really say "Boogers on Sale" (Boards on Sale).
Phuck Target
I went to Pocatello this last weekend to interview with the various drug companies. Unlike some of my peers in pharmacy school, I am not afraid to admit that I can be bought and sold. Also, I am not afraid to admit that residencies suck and that the ISU faculty is trying to force them on us. Residencies serve no purpose, especially if you just want to go into retail.
Anyhow, I had 6 interviews. Here's the quick summary:
Fred Meyer: Probably the best interview I had. The guy was extremely nice and was able to answer all my questions. The company sounds like music to my ears.
Albertsons/ Savon: They sound like a good company too- a nice back-up plan to Fred Meyer. The interviewer was pretty darn nice there too.
CVS: They don't have any stores in Idaho, but I was just curious to talk to them since I don't know shit about CVS. They have an excellent retirement plan.
Safeway: These guys aren't in Idaho either, which is a shame. They have a good company and they don't fill 500 scripts a day.
Walgreens: They are offering a $30,000 sign-on bonus (like I'm a damn NFL quarterback) for 3 years of employment and $20,000 for 2. I don't know if I want to commit to working for Walgreens for that long just yet. I will be interning for them starting this week though, so hopefully that will provide some input on that decision. Also, Walgreens offers $5,000 a year in scholarships for one year of service in return after graduation (those years overlap with the sign-on bonus years).
Target: Target can lick my butthole after I order extra MSG on my plate at Chang's Garden in Pocatello (MSG gives me the screamin' squits) or in the PM after I contract pinworms (since they come out at night to lay eggs). All of the other companies gave very informal interviews. Basically, they are in such desperate need of pharmacists that most companies don't do the high stress interviews anymore. They try to be friendly to win you over. Not so much with Target. They just want to rape you.
30 seconds before my interview started, I got handed an application. Naturally, I didn't start it. The first question I got asked once in the interview was why I didn't have my application done. Well….I'm not sure that I want to work for you assholes now….
As the interview went on, I got more and more pissed off. They made it all high-stress and asked real interview questions. I was not interested in that kind of interview. I wanted to just go in and learn some more information about Target, but they sure fucking blew that. So yeah, not ever EVER working for Target. Now I know what their red logo is for: they're assholes.
Sammy had to stay at his foster mommy's house during my trip to Pocatello. He was pretty goddamned excited to see me and Josh (and Katie) when we picked him up. But at least he had 3 other dogs during those days to keep him company and give him someone to play with.

Beaver Fever
In our infectious disease module, we learned that beaver fever is the colloquial name for Giardiasis (a flagellated parasite that can live in your intestines and cause diarrhea that comes from drinking contaminated water, usually during camping). A common cause of beaver fever is testosterone. ;)
Four Years
Katie and I have now been together for more than 4 years. Our "anniversary" is on October 10th. It sure doesn't seem like it’s been four years, but the calendar doesn't lie. Love you, babe. I can't imagine being with anyone else and I wouldn't want to.
Backyard Golf
I purchased a golf mat, tees, net, shag bag, and balls for the backyard. Everything is here except for the net, so I will be hitting balls in the backyard soon. I didn't skimp on the mat and buy a thin Astroturf mat. I spent good money to buy a long fiber mat. It actually feels more like grass and actually has some depth to it. You can take a "divot" and not feel like you took an ax to the concrete. The net is 8 feet tall and 12 feet wide, so it should catch 99.9% of my shots. I hit the ball so damn hard that I ripped holes in the target. Not to worry though- that's not what catches the ball. It's just a testament to my Arnold Schwarzenegger-esque strength and my Brad Pitt-ish good looks. Wait, that second one had no correlation…..
I also bought a new driver (Cleveland Hibore XL 8.5 Pro Launch) and a new hybrid club (Ping Rapture 18 degrees).

I am going home to Redlands for Thanksgiving break. I will be in town from Saturday, November 17th to Saturday, November 24th. Since I'm flying out of Boise instead of shitty Pocatello, I will be saving about $100. Whew.
Halloween Plans
What is everyone's Halloween plans? I don't really have any yet, except I know that Sammy is going to be extra cute. He has a costume, but you'll have to wait until next month to see the pictures of the puppy. He'll get to greet the chilluns as they come to the door for candy. Oh and also, I will be carving some pumpkins (4 to be exact, although one is going to be not a typical carving). Three will be more standard carvings. No presidential carvings like last year, so don't expect those. They will be freaking schweet, though. I will post those pictures next month too.
I'm A Running Fool
Josh got a treadmill, so now I have no excuse for not doing cardio. I mean, running sucks ass. Bicycling or using an elliptical is easier and more fun, but running does give you a pretty thorough workout. Sammy has been running outside with me when the weather is nice and sleeping inside under his binky when I use the treadmill. I actually just got done running a couple miles. And now I smell like the French.
My roommate (Josh) and I fixed up the garage. You can see pretty much everything in the pictures (that's his purple golf cart, you would think it would be mine but it's not!):

Current music:
"…But the castles crumbled and you're left with just a name. Where's your crown, king nothing?..." - Metallica